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2024-12-14 01:29:23

On Monday, it broke the 5-day line and closed at 3,400 points. At the same time, the volume can be in the range of 1.6-1.8 trillion, with a maximum of 3,426 points. The volume energy has not increased, and it will continue to fluctuate according to the closing logic.Lao Shen's Chat-What to do after opening higher-1210

On Monday, it broke the 5-day line and closed at 3,400 points. At the same time, the volume can be in the range of 1.6-1.8 trillion, with a maximum of 3,426 points. The volume energy has not increased, and it will continue to fluctuate according to the closing logic.Lao Shen's Chat-What to do after opening higher-1210

On Monday, it broke the 5-day line and closed at 3,400 points. At the same time, the volume can be in the range of 1.6-1.8 trillion, with a maximum of 3,426 points. The volume energy has not increased, and it will continue to fluctuate according to the closing logic.Lao Shen's Chat-What to do after opening higher-1210

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